Get your shit together in 2017!

Image courtesy of Pinterest

Hello World. Break out Girl! Three weeks in, how’s your new year been treating you? According to only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions.People who successfully stuck to their NY resolutions did so because they ‘Kept it simple’. If your goals are simple, short and attainable it wont seem like you setting yourself up for failure.

Instead of NY resolutions, I prefer to do a life audit on my birthday where I plan and map my goals for the year ahead.

This year I have set myself some big plans/goals and thought I’d share, my top five tips to ‘Get your shit together’ . Who knows maybe it will help you stick to your NY resolutions or at least motivate you to get the best and be the best in 2017.

1. Visualise & Organise
As corny as it sounds I’m a self-confessed ‘Vision boarder’. This is the easiest way for me to keep track of my goals. Give it a try is a great tool to create your own dream-board.

This also works really well for a fashion board.Pinterest is great for this. How many times do you utter those dreadful words’ I have nothing to wear’ with a closet filled to the brim. By clipping images of a style you love or would like to imitate makes it easier to update the pieces you already own and get rid of those you will never wear again.

New Year , New You? Great! Now start  by de-cluttering and organising your wardrobe. Decide what items you want to keep, toss or donate. Minimalism is something I aspire too every day and for me it starts by giving away things I do not use or have not used in the last two years.

2.Be Money Wise
If you anything like me money management is a constant nightmare. Having more money leaving the bank than coming in is something I have gotten used to. Not anymore, this is the year I have decided to control my finances and not the other way around. There are apps for everything these days and here’s a list of the best budgeting apps to help you plan this year. Lets face it if you want to be a “lady boss” then wrapping your head around your finances is the first step.

3. Ask, Believe, Receive.
Thank you ‘The Secret” for giving meaning to what I couldn’t explain. After reading this book , it became so clear to me, because this was something I was already doing and it was something that  WORKED. My life is testament to this.

Yes I’m corny, yes we all know this but I do believe in phrase “The Secret” successfully coined  ‘Ask, Believe and Receive’. This goes hand in hand with your visualizations. Whether you believe in God, a higher purpose, intuition, the universe, or the teachings of secret, it’s the same thing. Ask what you want, believe in what you asking, and then sit back and wait for it to happen. Read more here.

4. Self-care
This word has popped up more and more in conversations I’ve had, blogs I read and social media posts. No it’s not an excuse to justify spending more money. Think of it this way , if your cup is empty how can you keep on filling others’ cups. Self care to me means sleeping as much as I want without feeling guilty on my days off, getting a hair cut, going to the movies only because strawberry Slush Puppies, a full body scrub and massage *heaven* and/or for some reason cupping & unlimited amounts of sushi when my cravings hit. And then Hormones. My hormones of late have been a bitch , and literally turned me into one, I mean this can not be my personality can it?!. So my good friend Portia turned me onto Evening Primrose Oil tabs from Vital and maybe its the placebo effect but I swear I’m nicer, as a person. Who knew , thanks Vital.

5. Forgive yourself
Whatever the reasons, we all have those feelings of guilt that we battle with deep down, the ones we wont say out loud. It pops into your head, as you laying down to rest, those first few minutes just before you drift to sleep. You should have done this differently, you should have done that. You scold and you say the nastiest things about yourself. This is something I struggle with and will be my biggest challenge this year. However I’m slowly starting to forgive myself , for making mistakes, being human and just not knowing better. We cannot live in the past , and one of the ways I’m moving away from the past and closer to forgiveness is by writing it all down, what could I have done differently,
what I’ve learnt. If you are open to it, speaking to someone, a counsellor is another great tool. I love this because speaking to a stranger lifts the burden and gives you a new perspective. Love yourself. Forgive yourself.
So Go forth and Conquer. Believe in your hustle lady bosses and may all your dreams come to fruition in 2017!

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